多くの日本の人気バンドを輩出した伝説のBalcony Recordsの前身であるAspirin Recordsでリリースされた岸田紗也子、斉藤充正を始めとする6人組(写真は5人ですが…)、"ささら"による作品。この名義はおそらくこの1枚のみです。
This is a work by "Sasara," a six-member group including Sayako Kishida and Mitsumasa Saito (five members in the photo..), released on Aspirin Records, the predecessor of the legendary Balcony Records, which produced many popular Japanese bands. This is probably the only work under this name.
"Guangdong Shonendan", ("Kanton Shonendan" in Japanese) is a great synth disco. The vocal just like Japanese pop idol singers, but the overwhelming melody line is sure to make your heart sing with joy!