
Thissas - Chants Et Musiques De Kabylie (93) Blue Silver , France

アルジェリアのAkli Oumsalem, Rachid Doufène二人によるユニット、Thissasのアルバム。

Raï musicという境界を超え、よりダンス的に解釈し洗練された"Azzel (Le Départ)"や、"Ti Ri Tagrawla", "Scubidu"等が面白い。ちなみにこのCDはZouk等の作品が多い、フランスのBlue Silverからリリースされている。

This album by Thissas, a unit of two Algerians, Akli Oumsalem and Rachid Doufène.
Probably only available on CD.

The album is interesting in that it goes beyond the boundaries of Raï music, and includes "Azzel (Le Départ)," "Ti Ri Tagrawla," and "Scubidu," which have been interpreted and refined in a more dance-oriented way. Incidentally, this CD is released on the French label Blue Silver, which has many works by Zouk and others.

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Maira Gall