マイアミで活動し、世界のトップDJの一人であるTiestoのDJツアーにも同行し、現在もフェスなどでギグを行っている電子音楽家のNoel W. Sangerが残した多くの作品のうち、80年代にUniverseと言う名義で残した作品の一つ。
"Orange"はメランコリックなギターにポンコツなシンセサウンドが乗るアコースティックな曲。"Maybe"はスカスカのドラムマシーンにハイハット、ギター、キーの音色にBlack Jazz、Strata Eastのようなスピリチュアル・ジャズばりの濃厚なボーカルが炸裂するSpiritual Funk。
One of the many works left behind by Noel W. Sanger, a Miami-based electronic musician who has accompanied Tiesto, one of the world's top DJs, on his DJ tours and still gigs at festivals, under the name Universe in the 1980s.
This album has a mysterious charm that can't be described with the word "avant-garde".
"Orange" is an acoustic song with melancholic guitars and clunky synth sounds. Maybe" is Spiritual Funk with a scuzzy drum machine, hi-hats, guitars, keys, and thick vocals that sound like spiritual jazz like Black Jazz or Strata East.