前回ご紹介した"ONE GIANT LEAP"もそうですが、チープな音がたまらない曲がいくつかあります。
この作品の目玉は"Stalagtite - Tripa-Diba-Uwa-Duwa"じゃないかなと思います。Music from memoryのJamie Tillerが、カナダのInvisible city storeでライブでプレイしてたのですが、その時全くこの曲がわからなくて、たまたまDiscogsサーフィンしていたときに見つけました。
This is a compilation project by 101 International, which showcases ultra-minor artists such as Synth Pop from the UK.
Their other compilation "One GIANT LEAP", which I introduced last time, is one of them, but there are some cheep sound songs that I can't get enough.
I think the highlight of this album is "Stalagtite - Tripa-Diba-Uwa-Duwa", which Jamie Tiller of "Music from memory" played live at the Invisible city store in Canada, but I didn't know this song at the time and found it when I was surfing Discogs.