60年代からガレージ・パンクなどの音楽で活躍していたイタリアのコンポーザーSandro Zaneによる強烈なDIY Psychedelic wave作品!自身のプライベートレーベルより。
マッシブ電子FunkなBirds Of Fireが目を引きますが、
タイトル曲のNobody Land、Running Weather、Another Time Another Worldなども素晴らしいSynth Wave作品でかっこいいです。
A weird DIY Psychedelic wave Album by Italian composer Sandro Zane, who was active in garage punk music since the 60's! From his own private label.
While the massive electronic funk "Birds Of Fire" is an eye-catcher, the
The title track "Nobody Land", "Running Weather" and "Another Time Another World" are also great Synth Wave songs, and they're pretty cool!!!
Not only the synths, the primitive percussion that accentuates them. Stunning!!