チリのサンチアゴ出身のネオ・ソウル、R&BシンガーのJuan Antonio Labraによる作品。南米のいくつかの国でプレスされており、私のはコロンビア盤です。
This album made by Juan Antonio Labra, a Neo-soul and R&B singer from Santiago, Chile. It has been pressed in several South American countries, and mine is the Colombia press.
I listen to it for its interesting synth-driven Neo-soul ~ Proto-house sound, but it has also been called the Michael Jackson of Chile.
It seems to be a song about a blessing that he probably thinks of as Jesus Christ, and the Youtube comments are flooded with comments from fans who really think of this song and Christ with all their heart, and it is not hard to imagine that he himself was the overwhelming charismatic figure of his time.