
Invisible Opera Tropical Version - Glissando Spirit (93) Low Life Records , Brazil

GongのDaevid Allenが1986年からInvisible Opera Company Of Tibetの活動を続け旅をしている中で、ブラジルでであったギタリストのFabio Golfettiと出会い、1988年にブラジルバージョンのバンドとして、Invisible Opera Tropical Versionを結成。


Ash-ra tempelを思わせる"Cosmic Dancer"、プロトハウスとも言うべき"Baliman-Energy"、等クラブ・ミュージックとオブスキュアミュージックが好きな方にも是非聴いていただきたい作品です。

Daevid Allen of Gong has started the band called the Invisible Opera Company Of Tibet since 1986, when he met guitarist Fabio Golfetti in Brazil, In 1988.

They formed Invisible Opera Tropical Version as a Brazilian version of the band.
The band's album was produced with a fusion of oriental music and space rock in mind, and is filled with songs that are full of flavor.

The songs "Cosmic Dancer" is reminiscent of Ash-ra tempel, "Baliman-Energy" is just like a proto-house , etc. This album is a must listen for those who love club music and obscure music.

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Maira Gall