
Yōran* / Oxz / Gyōza Daioh* – Children Of The Kingdom (85) Night Gallery , Japan

Yōran、Oxz、Gyōza Daiohの大阪の3組のアーティストが収録されたソノシートEP。
Yōranとは、我らが関西が世界に誇るHard trance等をプレイするTOP DJ、Yoji Biomehanikaさんのこと。先日10代の頃に作られたMontparnasseがリイシューされ、話題になりました。

本作はおそらく19歳か20歳ころに作られたもの。DIY感覚あふれるSlo-moなSynth Cold Funkで衝撃的にかっこいいです。現代ならDam-funkが好きな方にも合うのかも。

A Flexi disc EP featuring songs by three Osaka artists, Yōran, Oxz, and Gyōza Daioh.
Yōran is Yoji Biomehanika from Kobe, Hyogo prefecture. "Montparnasse", made when he was a teenager, was recently reissued and became a hot topic.

This one was probably made when he was 19 or 20 years old, and is shockingly cool with its DIY-inspired slo-mo synth cold funk. 
If you like Dam-funk today, this might be suitable for you. Incredible!

© Deep Dance Music Page
Maira Gall