
ビックリハウス - 音版ビックリハウス - ウルトラサイケ・ビックリパーティー (82) Yen Records , Japan





数年前に関西時代の先輩Mori Raさんに教えてもらいそれ以来大好きな作品。

Bikkuri House is a Japanese culture magazine. It was first published in 1975, and although it was a magazine, it was a contributor-participator type magazine like “ニコニコ動画" in modern times, and many of the regular contributors were cultural figures who would later become famous.

The liner notes include names such as Shigesato Itoi, Masako Ohya, Fujio Akatsuka, Jun Togawa (Guernica), Yukihiro Takahashi, and actor Masatoh Ibu.

The best part of the cassette is the opening song, "オープニング~ビックリパーティーのテーマ" written by Yukihiro Takahashi and lead vocals by Haruomi Hosono.
It's an avant-garde punk-rock song with a smoky atmosphere, space-twisting synths, and the sound of tape spinning backwards.
Mori Ra taught it to me a few years ago, and I've loved this song ever since.

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Maira Gall