自身でもFARNというレーベルを運営しているのですが、この作品はなぜかドイツの大手インディグループの作品をリリースしているOhrwurm Recordsからのリリース。
個人的なおすすめとして"No Human Touch"がProto technoな素晴らしい曲。短いですが味があっていいですよ
This is by a synth player, Peter Schafer who used to play in a group called "F.A.R.N." He also runs his own label, FARN.
For some reason, this album was released on "Ohrwurm Records" of major label that releases music for German indie groups, although.
My personal recommendation is "No Human Touch," a great proto-techno song.
It's short, but it's a great song.
Incidentally, a long time ago, Dam-Funk played this song in his mix.