全曲通して素晴らしいProto TechnoなNew beatグループによる唯一の作品
どういう関係性があるのか不明ですが、最近再発が出て話題になった超人気アフロシンセトラック"Les Choc Stars Du Zaire, Ben Nyamabo - Nakombe Nga"の裏面、インストバージョンとも言うべき、"What Did She Say?"が収録されています。
全く毛色が違うように見えますが、バックに控えているTony Baronなる人物がどちらの曲も作曲しています。
また、アシッドテクノな"The Legend"や、"Tekno Duck", "Psyko B" , "War Games", "New Fascination"などもどれも素晴らしい。
This is the only their work by Teknokrat's.
It's unclear what the relationship is between the two songs,
but it's very popular, which has been in the news recently after a reissue. Afro-synth track "Les Choc Stars Du Zaire, Ben Nyamabo - Nakombe Nga"
On the opposite side of just like instrumental version of "What Did She Say ?".
It looks completely different afro synth track and synth pop, but made by Tony Baron who is both in the background.
The acid-techno "The Legend", "Tekno Duck", "Psyko B " , "War Games" and "New Fascination" are all great as well.