10年以上前からコアなArthur Russellフリークには人気のある一枚でして、自分は結構最近入手しました。ほんとに見つからなくて。。
タイトル曲、Lost TribeはタフなSlo-moなビートに、不協和音のようなArthur Russellのチェロが浮遊する13分を超える凄まじい曲。
Arthur Russellは結構売ってしまったな.. でもPop your funkの7インチはいまだに持ってます。
This stunning album made by the Post Punk group centered on Mark Freedman.
released in 1983 that is the same period as the first album "Be Your Own Hero". Also Arthur Russell joined in a part of Cello.
It has been a popular piece for the core Arthur Russell freaks for over 10 - 20years, and I got quite recently. I really haven't been find it in Japan.
In recent years, this floorfiller is soaring two to three times...
The title song "Lost Tribe" is a terrific Slo-mo beat, over 13 minute floating song in which Arthur Russell's cello.