時代はエレクトロ、ヒップホップ、ストリートソウル… ブラジルの89年代のレコードは最近このイメージが強いのですが、これはベースミュージックっっぽさもあるハウス〜エレクトロで、コミカルなボーカル含めて素晴らしいです。
The era is electro, hip-hop, street soul... Brazilian records around 90's have recently been getting a lot of attention, but this is a great house-electro with a touch of bass music and comical vocals.
I understand that she is a Brazilian singer, she looks like a famous in Brazil?
A Google image search shows that she has other works besides this album. However, Discogs only lists this one, and I looked up her biography, but I couldn't figure it out.