ハウスだけでなくジャングルなども流行り始めた頃にどんな音を作っていたかというと、かなりタイトで渋いアフロプロトハウスな1曲、"Shing-Ha Shing-Ha"が一押し。後半のドラムマシーンとアフロリズムが組み合わさるブレイクパートが最高にかっこいいです!
Born in Cameroon and later moved to Paris, he is an artist who blended African music with all kinds of music and became so successful that he is known worldwide.
I think I have introduced African music to a certain extent, but this is the first time to introduce his work on this blog.
The year is 1992, and this is a work released on his own label.
The song "Shing-Ha Shing-Ha" is a tight and austere Afro proto house track. The break part in the second half, where the drum machine and Afro rhythms combine, is the coolest part of the song!
Another personal favorite is "Teneba," a song that sounds like a combination of Soukous and Zouk. It's a bright, pop song that puts you in a fun mood.