Synthesizer [Alphasyntauri Metatrak II, Yamaha DX7, Roland JX3P, Yamaha REV 7, Yamaha RX11, Casio VL-Tone], Programming, Composer, Producerをすべて彼が担当していて、全く当ブログのテーマであるダンスではないですが、全編通して繊細で神秘的な音の重なりに圧倒されます。
One of my top favorite a music album released by private of Italian composer Luigi Maramotti.
Synthesizer [Alphasyntauri Metatrak II, Yamaha DX7, Roland JX3P, Yamaha REV 7, Yamaha RX11, Casio VL-Tone], Programming, Composer, Producer.. all play by him.
This blog's theme is "Dance" but there is the "Music".
I'm overwhelmed by the overlapping of delicate and mysterious sounds throughout the whole album.
You will play always be asked "What is this?" This album that has been popular for a long time among digger, but still in demand this attracted to the power again for me.
Anyway, I researched about him, but I can't found that. found only the same name fashion producer .... haha..