当作はCoti K名義で、実験的、DIY的でありながら、メロウで心地の良い室内楽というべきか、素晴らしいアンビエンスに満ち溢れた素晴らしいEPです。ジャケもいいですね。
This special EP by a sound engineer of experimental music from Athens by Costantino Luca Rolando Kiriakos a.k.a. Coti. He was born in milan Italy moved to Greece at the 6age, and settled in Athens.
He has some units, and e.g. the unit named "Raw" that has released albums of the world ndigenous and ethnic music into electronic music, also he is continuing our activities.
This work is Coti K. in the name of experimental, DIY, mellow and comfortable room music. also a great EP full of wonderful ambience. It is sleeve design great too.