
Yorgantz - Yorgantz (82) M. Y. Production Armenia, France

トルコ生まれで、東ヨーロッパの小国、アルメニアの血を持つ、アルメニアンフレンチのシンガー、コンポーザーであるMarten Yorgantzによる作品。

全体的にシンフォニックな世界観なのですが、1曲”Ammenain Serdov (De Tout Coeur)”という曲が素晴らしいシンセディスコで、中盤の美しいロングブレイクが最高にアツいです!

Made by Armenian French singer, composer Marten Yorgantz who he was born in Turkey and a small country of Eastern Europe, Armenia.

It's a totally symphonic album,
but "Ammenain Serdov (De Tout Coeur)" is a wonderful synth disco, it has a crazy beautiful long break in part of the middle part!

About Armenia known as the oldest Christian state in the world,
It is a historic country surrounded Georgia and Azerbaijan, also of course the history of music too. There is a sound like the Middle East, east Europe.

© Deep Dance Music Page
Maira Gall