その代表曲とも言える、Just like a rainbowはキャッチーな高速ブラジリアンとして未だ色褪せない名曲。個人的にも今かけたいです!
また、Brazilian ambient?なゆるく流れるような浮遊感とビリンバウの音色がAmazonの雄大さが融合したような超名曲のタイトル曲、 Sol Y Sombra。
まるでUNIVERSO DA ILHAが再発されたVasco martinsが、アマゾンで演奏したかのような雰囲気です。
そういえば、Vasco martinsを再発させたCANELA EN SURCOで結構最近私のミックスもアップいただいているのでよければ聴いてみてくださいね。
My mix for Canela en Surco
This is special latin album by Amanita that their only work released from private label.
The part of Percussionist, Bernd Nentwig will be a member of Sango.
All songs are so great that you can feel Latin taste.
Also this album was introduced by brazilian guide book by the non-Brazilian region since 15 to 20 years ago.
I believe this song still in demand "Just like a rainbow" is also a famous song and catchy high tempo Brazilian. Personally I wanna play this at night clubs!
Also, brazilian ambient "Sol Y Sombra", most famous title song in this album. It likes Amazon's majestic fusion of loose flowing floating feeling and the sound of Billimbau.
if Vasco martins plays in amazon, would have become such a this song.