
Kai Harster - Return To Nature And Other Delights (81) Private

ミュンヘンで生まれ、一時的にアメリカで育ったKai Harsterによるセルフリリースと言われるエレクトロニクス作品。
全編通してpolymoog, minimoog, ppg sequencer, moog-vocoderなどを用いた電子音の作品で、飽きさせません。
特にNight Driveは宇宙と交信しているかのような錯覚に陥る繊細な曲。渋いです。

This is an electronics self-release album by Kai Harster.
born in Munich and brought up in the United States temporarily.

It's a work through of electronic sound using polymoog, minimoog, ppg sequencer, moog-vocoder etc. we won't get bored of this album.
Especially, Night Drive is a delicate song that falls into an illusion as if it's communicating with the universe. Highly reccomend!!

Also, he became involved in the 1980 ARS Electronica in Linz, Austria.

© Deep Dance Music Page
Maira Gall