
David Oliver - Hope For La Roo (84) Damiana Records

ニューヨークを拠点に活動しているマルチ奏者、David Oliverによる作品。
この作品はDan brubeck, Dave masonらと共に作ったワールドミュージックのテイストも感じられる全編通して素晴らしいミニマル、エクスペリメンタルの傑作。

This LP by David Oliver who is a multi-player and keyboardist based in New York.
This work recorded with Dan Brubeck, Dave mason.
It's a masterpiece of a wonderful minimal and experimental through the whole story. you can feel the taste of world music.
Also his other LP are all the songs and Jacket design are wonderful!

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Maira Gall