エチオピアのGiddleなる民族楽器やパプアニューギニアのBamboo flute、人の声やテープなどを混ぜ合わせつつも、プリミティブというよりもミニマルで不思議なホームメイド感覚あふれる無国籍ローファイ音楽。タイトル曲や、悲しいメロディーのNo escape、The travel、Under the baobab等通して素晴らしいです。
An avant-garde masterpiece by Simone Simons and Peter Bosch released from Amsterdam's art school, Gerrit Rietveld Academie.
They used the Giddle trive , Bamboo flute from Nu guinia and them friends voice.
but it was more minmal and modern classical than primitive. and Home-made and stateless Lo-fi music.
It is wonderful through the title song, sad melody No escape, The travel, Under the baobab etc.