
Preeti Sagar - With Love.... Preeti Sagar (Hindi Pop Songs) () His Master's Voice, India

インドのボリウッドでもボーカリストとして数々の受賞をしているPreeti Sagarによる作品。
"Jaane Jaan Na Bichhdenge"は、シンセサイザーを駆使したプロトハウスのようなシンセファンクで、彼女の儚く美しい美声がこのトラックに絶妙にマッチしており、非常に良質な曲となっている。

This is a work by Preeti Sagar, an award-winning vocalist in Bollywood, India.

“Jaane Jaan Na Bichhdenge” is a proto-house to synth funk track that makes full use of synthesizers, and her fragile and beautiful voice is a perfect match for this track, making it a awesome quality song.

The stringed instrumentation and breakdowns that start in the middle of the track and continue into the alternates are also very club-oriented, and highly recommended! The price is not too expensive yet, so if you want it, please check it on Discogs!

© Deep Dance Music Page
Maira Gall