
Youth Beat Connexion - Youth Beat Connexion No.1 (94) RPM , South Africa


こちらは少しのコーラスと、ほとんどインストで構成されたKwaitoとStreet Soulをあわせたような作品。ヴィブラフォンの音色が美しく、挿入される波のサウンドエフェクトとタイトなビートの組み合わせが、サンセットに合わせてプレイしたくなる1曲。

Vinyl is laughably overpriced South African Kwaito.... 
But it's addictive...
A great song that never ceases to amaze me with its individuality sung in Afrikaans, a quality that sometimes makes me think it is an American or European track...

This one is a combination of Kwaito and Street Soul, with a little chorus and mostly instrumentation. The vibraphone tone is beautiful, and the combination of the inserted wave sound effects 
and the tight beat makes this one I will wanna play at sunset🌅

© Deep Dance Music Page
Maira Gall