
Carmen - Time To Move (84) Presents Records , US

みんな大好きSynth Disco Classicsの1枚!再発も二回ほど出ていますね。やっと原盤を買えました。
このPresents Recordsのアイコンを見ると思い出してしまうのがもとAl hudsonのメンバーであるKevin Mccordの存在です。彼のNever Sayって曲は10年以上前に出会い今でも大好きな曲です。その彼もこの作品には関わっている模様。これって彼のレーベルなのかな?

One of my fav. synth disco classics that maybe everyone loves too!?
There have been two reissued (first is maybe bootleg).
finally I got an original press :).
I imagined "Presents Records" is Kevin Mccord who is a member of Al hudson & the partners, reminds me him from this Presents Records icon.
I met his song's "Never Say" more than 15 years ago and still favorite song and sometimes playing at party.
It seems that he is also involved in this single. maybe this his label?

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Maira Gall