人気の1曲、チャカポコしたゆるいGwo ka、Misik A Gwo Kaはもちろん、ダンサブルでアツい曲、Dé Ti Mo Pawol Cwéol、グアドループ的メロウソウル、Mémorial、印象的なシンセが癖になるZouk、Cliché等など、どれも素晴らしいです。
A popular album by Erick Cosaque from the Caribbean small country, Guadeloupe who he is master of Gwo ka.
This unit has released 3 albums.
It's not only in demand "Misik A Gwo Ka" that also danceable and hot singing songs, "Dé Ti Mo Pawol Cwéol",
Guadeloupe mellow soul "Mémorial",with deep synthy zouk, "Cliché", etc.