Satori (Satoshi & Makoto) - Kaikou EP (14') UpitUp Records
Satoshi & Makoto😊
Young marcoが先々月くらいにInstagramにアップしていて、なにこれ?と思っていた作品がついにリリースされましたね!
このリンクは彼ら、Satoshi & Makotoが"Satori"名義でリリースしたとされる"Kaikou EP"です。
Young marco uploaded to Instagram a month ago and I was curious. At last that album of Satoshi & Makoto was released!
This link is "Kaikou EP" that Satoshi & Makoto released as "Satori" in the name.
This is data only, it seems to be a free download page here.
Thankfully I will carefully use it🙏